Effective clinical documentation is only a few steps away
Hi friend! Thanks for stopping by. I'm Steve Welton, LCPC, a clinical documentation consultant and coach from Welton Consulting, experienced in documentation standards in all 50 States. Let me share a bit about myself!

This is My Story

So, I started Welton Consulting sort of by accident.

Kind a strange way to start this story out, but there it is.  I was wrapping up my corporate career when a "friend of a friend" reached out to me to see if I could help her out.

You see, for over a decade I led the clinical auditing operations for one of the largest national health insurance companies in the world, conducting and overseeing tens of thousands of clinical audits of behavioral health, applied behavioral analysis, and substance use disorder clinicians and groups across the United States. 
I have reviewed clinical treatment records from ten's of thousands of clinicians, agencies, and facilities across all 50 States who are dedicated to serving the needs of their client. Some do it incredibly well. Others have developed ineffective documentation habits or have not been sufficiently trained on how to appropriately structure their treatment records in a way that meets community standards. 

So, I know a thing or two about what clinical documentation should look like and how to organize it to meet "community standards", and this "friend of a friend" needed some help.  And needed it fast.  

After a couple of hours of talking through her group's problems she said ...

"Steve, nobody is talking about this stuff.  There is nobody out there that gives this point-of-view from what insurance companies are looking for.  I know you're retiring, but you should be making yourself available to clinicians like me, so you can help them."

So, here I am.  

I have worked in partnership with behavioral health professionals across the country to help them to strengthen their clinical assessments, treatment plans, and progress notes -- and I can bring that experience and dedication to you.  

I work with you from a clinical perspective.  Before I started my clinical auditing career, I was a clinician working in community mental health and private practice -- probably a lot like you.  And I'm still in private practice today.  
I have never lost sight of the time crunch which can impact documentation quality.  My goal will always be to ensure that your documentation plan can be sustainable and meet what the community standards say they should be.

In short, I'm here to help you make sure your documentation can meet the scrutiny of insurance companies and other reviewing entities while effectively supporting your practice.

My Approach

As a clinician, like you, I enjoy each opportunity to get to know and understand how you see your practice. I will work with you to understand your approach to service delivery to help shape the best approach to developing a documentation plan which meets the needs of both practice and the clients being served.  Over my career I have helped hundreds of clinicians, groups, and agencies just like you across the United States to strengthen their approach to practice and documentation.  I now have the opportunity to bring that passion and experience to you directly. 
If you want to evaluate and improve your current documentation standards and gain insights on how insurance companies look at your records, from assessment, to treatment planning, and progress documentation, I will bring that perspective to your practice. 

Or, if you’ve been recently audited and are facing the development of corrective action plans to address issues, I will work as your partner to help address these issues in a way that will address their concerns while strengthening your approach to clinical documentation.

I will be your partner as we work together to strengthen your clinical documentation standards to withstand any audit or clinical review.

Ready to look at how effectively you are documenting today?

Your next step in the process can be to schedule an appointment.  I offerings start at a half hour appointment option.  It will give you the opportunity to discuss what you need for your practice and how I can help.  Or, if you're ready to dive in there are additional time options.

© Steven D Welton